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 American Farm Bureau Federation

    "The American Farm Bureau Federation is the Voice of Agriculture. We are farm and ranch families working together to build a sustainable future of safe and abundant food, fiber, and renewable fuel for our nation and the world." 

    Having a voice is very important when it comes to the American Farm Bureau Federation. Policy changes all the time, so it is vital to have a seat when things start to change. In an organization like this, members speak together as one. When the policy changes, all members come together as one and speak through the American Farm Bureau Federation. Farm Bureau and all of its members work together to help provide the resources that farmers and ranchers need to succeed. "The Farm Bureau legacy includes leadership within local communities, advocacy on rural issues, public service and outreach, agriculture literacy, and environmental initiatives that protect the environment and preserve the beauty of its product for the next generation to utilize and enjoy."
   The American Farm Bureau Federation is a nonprofit organization began in Chicago in 1919 by John
Barron. The growth all started when Julius Rosenwald agreed to supply financial grants to countries that would hire an agriculture agent. Of course, countries wanted financial grants, so they all started to hire agriculture agents and this idea started the mass growth of agriculture throughout the world. Through Farm Bureau, their mission was to protect, promote, and represent farmers in every way they could. The timing couldn't have been better for Farm Bureau to get started since the nation had taken a big hit from one of the worst flu pandemics in history. Also, at this time vehicles and telephones started to become more popular so this also helped play a part in the unison of our nation agriculturally. One thing that has also remained the same throughout agriculture is leadership. It took quality leadership to get an organization like this started and it takes leadership to keep it running as successfully as it is today. Growing up in 4-H and FFA, also known as Future Farmers of America, teach us how to be great leaders. Having leadership skills will help you be successful and this is shown true through agriculture. 
    One thing I really like about the American Farm Bureau Federation is how informative they are about things going on in the world of agriculture. As a whole, they do a good job of giving facts and tips about things that you probably wouldn't have thought about. For example, recently they posted "To Rake or Not to Rake" on its website along with its social media about all of the different things you could do with the leaves as they start to fall off of the trees this Fall. As the leaves start to fall, everyone has their opinions on what they like to do with their yard. If you are the type that likes to rake your leaves then you usually like to have a clean lawn. There are benefits to either method that you choose. If you choose to rake, you will have a cleaner lawn for the winter and you will also be able to start mowing sooner in the spring due to the soil being to dry out easier without having the leaves keeping the soil moist. Living in a usually dry area may result in a different outcome. You could experience having to replant seeds after raking the leaves from your soil drying out too much. On the other hand, if you decide to let the leaves lay where they fall then you will reap the benefits of the nutrients put back into the soil that serves as a free source of fertilizer. I find it very helpful that Farm Bureau provides articles like this to inform its members. 

    In everything else these days, social media plays a huge part in connecting people to the American Farm Bureau Federation. This organization displays a very active variety of social media platforms. As you look through the social media sites, along with the American Farm Bureau Federation, there is also a Farm Bureau Federation for each state and social media accounts that correspond. Starting with Facebook has the most followers of any of their social media sights at 108K followers. The second highest following is its Twitter account with 85.2K followers. Instagram comes in with 20.5K followers, Linked in has 17.5K followers, Youtube with only 1.09K subscribers, TikTok has 52 followers, and its Apple Podcast account is highly rated with 5 stars. Looking at all of the social media platforms and their followings, it is not surprising to me. If you think about it, the older generations are the ones that are most active on Facebook so it would make sense that they carry the most significant following. Then you look at Tik Tok being the lowest which can be looked at from two separate points of view. On one hand, Tik Tok is more directed to the younger generation which is good to try to get more people exposed to the topics, but they have only had their Tik Tok account since October so they can only go up from here. On each of the social media accounts, they tend to post the same content on each platform. In my opinion, having this many social media platforms set you up for success when your goal is to reach a large number of people.   A smart feature that they have added to their website is the availability to share each article the organization provides. You will see a drop-down of different social media platforms where you can share their stories. 
    The American Farm Bureau Federation is deemed very successfully. Their main goal is to ensure that farm and ranch families around the nation are heard. Over the years, the reason Farm Bureau has been so successful is because of the respect they have received from people around the world. Farm Bureau has strong beliefs which they like to share with the world so that they will be better understood. Overall, The American Farm Bureau Federation is a very successful organization that is focused on providing the support and resources that farm and ranch families need to succeed. 


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